Bring Me The Horizon Kicks 2024 Open With "Kool-Aid"

Bring Me The Horizon kicking the door down to start the new year with another new single while we continue the long wait on the band's next album POSTHUMAN: NeX Gen, which at this point was announced over half a year ago and has been delayed multiple times, "Kool-Aid" being the sixth release since POSTHUMAN: SURVIVAL HORROR.
So far, each single that's been released has felt uniquely different from all the others, with "LosT: having a lot of hyperpop elements, "AmEN" being the band's heaviest song in years, "DArkSide" going back to the sound of what a lot of recent BMTH has had, "Die4u" and "strangers" being unique in their own ways and "Kool-Aid" being no exception.
"Kool-Aid" is one of the two heavier singles of the six, really focuses on the instrumental technicalities more than the electronic production recent BMTH songs have had, giving the track a very classic Bring Me The Horizon metalcore sound with Oli's voice and screams sounding phenomenal and the band providing an amazing chorus with great instrumental work and catchy lyrics, a fast-paced breakdown, chunky riffs, and even a guitar solo throughout the song.
This one is definitely one of my favorites of the BMTH singles, capturing the heavy elements "AmEN" had while feeling like a more complete song. Although skeptical of BMTH's future with the band's loss of Jordan Fish, I'm excited for the release of POSTHUMAN: NeX Gen and how they continue to move forward without Fish's influence on the band and its music.
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