Friday Pilots Club took over O2 Academy Islington for an evening!

Friday Pilots Club took over O2 Academy Islington for an evening!

First up was Pleasure Inc., a band hailing from Norwich, my hometown. Having never heard of them before this tour, I was pleasantly surprised. They seemed to be having the time of their lives up on the stage, playing their biggest show to date. 

They seamlessly blended many genres together while playing new tracks off their recently released EP ‘Plastic People’ and kept the crowd well entertained during their set. They even had a lil mascot on stage with them showing off their merch and if that doesn’t show off how fun the band is, I don’t know what does!

Next up was Friday Pilots Club, a band I’ve been wanting to see for ages since I discovered their music just after they finished their last UK tour. I had to make sure I caught them this time and they certainly didn’t disappoint! Their set started with ‘Hot Mess’ before playing a setlist of fan favourite singles and songs off their Debut Album ‘Nowhere’ that came out 2 weeks ago. 

Friday Pilots Club packed out O2 Academy Islington with fans chanting the lyrics back and dancing all night long. Smiles never left the band member’s faces the entire night as they interacted with fans and each other. There was arms waving in the air all evening with fans taking out their phone torches during ‘Coffin’. The guitar riffs and vocals were on point.

If I had to narrow it down (which is very difficult), I’d say my favourite songs were ‘Spectator’, ‘Vampire Disco’, ‘life Support’, and ‘Bury Me’ so if you’re looking for new music, I’d start there but also their 2 previous EPs! They then finished off the night, with a 2-song encore, featuring ‘Better With’ (another favourite!) and Gold and Bones.