Nickelback deliver a heavy and wholesome performance at The O2

Nickelback deliver a heavy and wholesome performance at The O2

So, we went to see Nickelback, yes, we took photographs and yes, they killed it, it was genuinely an amazing night.

The Canadian rockstars stopped off at The O2 Arena as part of their European Get Rollin’ tour and did not disappoint us or the mountains of fans that came out to see them.

Supported by The Lottery Winners, who might we add, are also incredible and an absolute laugh – From the first step they took onto the stage they were cracking jokes and laughing with the audience.

The Lottery Winners seemed genuinely proud to be performing at the infamous O2, reminiscing to the crowd about how they have probably played in every pub in London for free. This band deserved to be on that stage supporting Nickelback and they did an incredible job of getting every single audience member on their feet with their high-energy rock and cheeky attitude.

You might have thought that Nickelback would be bored of performing for over 30 years but after witnessing this performance, we can confirm that this band loves what they do, there was a genuine atmosphere of love and affection from the stage that filtered to the back of the packed arena.

Where to begin with the highlights of the show? It was a top-notch performance from beginning to end, and it's hard to pinpoint moments that you love because quite frankly, every second was to be loved.

This might be a bit biased because I grew up to this song but, ‘How You Remind Me', is always my favourite, it was their penultimate song before the encore which included ‘Gotta Be Somebody’ and ‘Burn It to the Ground’. Even if you are not a fan of Nickelback, you will know this song, with the audience singing in unity, it was truly amazing to see.

The Lottery Winners, who might I add I am now utterly obsessed with, were invited on stage to perform a cover of ‘Don’t Look Back in Anger’ by Oasis which the crowd seemed to love. To watch these two very talented bands, perform in unity was truly magical and just reinforced this newfound love for The Lottery Winners, these guys deserve to go so far.

Another fan-favourite was played, a song beloved by the internet for an infamous meme and that was ‘Photograph’ and this song was played beautifully in an acoustic number. Chad even referenced the ‘look at this graph meme’ which was very much wholesome to see that the band take these jokes that have been around for years and years in good jest.

Another wholesome moment from the show that cannot be forgotten was during ‘Rockstar’ when the band invited a member of the audience on stage and this lucky man was Craig, and we just wanted to say congratulations, you are now a real rockstar and you absolutely killed it.

Having listened to Nickelback since I was about 10 years old with my dad, this was a beautiful night and if you were unlucky enough to not see them on this leg of the tour, I can only hope you decide to see them next time as they are a truly talented band who love what they do and love their fans.